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Lab Security

Security in the EN605 lab (and associated I4T rooms such as EN606c and EN613) boils down to keeping the lab secure and limiting unknown visitors. More specifically:

No sessional consultations

At any given time some lab members will also be employed by Swinburne as sessional tutors, practical class demonstrators or lecturers. However, your I4T lab access is quite separate from your sessional work. Student consultations that you undertake as part of your sessional work must not be performed inside the I4T lab

General visitors

In regards to EN605 (main lab) and EN613 (behind the lecture theatre), our policy is that you please do not invite visitors to I4TRL unless you are personally present to host your visitor

If an outsider comes to the lab door and says they're here to visit someone, you are under no obligation to let them in - go find the person they're visiting (the host), and the host will let their visitor into the lab. If their host is not present, the visitor should wait outside

Unknown people in the lab

If you find someone unknown in the lab who doesn't appear to have a host, please contact the Head of the Lab (Prof. Grenville Armitage) or another member of Telecomms Academic staff to verify. If we're not around, please contact Swinburne Security on x3333 (if you have suspicions about the unknown person's demeanour)

It is also worth noting that even though we try to keep control of the lab during working hours, personal and/or valuable items should be generally be kept out of sight as much as practical

Last Updated: Friday 14-Jul-2017 11:13:54 AEST | Maintained by: Jason But ( | Authorised by: Grenville Armitage (