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Office, LyX and LaTeX Templates

I4TRL maintains a set of templates for preparing internal Technical Reports and Presentations. This page contains instructions on obtaining those templates

Template Maintenance

All templates are looked after by Dr Jason But and archived on the I4TRL Kallithea/Mercurial repository. If there are any issues with the templates, or they need to be updated, please contact Jason.

Obtaining Templates

The template installation files are available either via a direct pull from the Kallithea repository. In order to pull from the repository, you will need a current account on Kallithea. To obtain this account see the Kallithea FAQ.

Kallithea is also set up to allow public access to the templates via a direct zip download. The relevant links are provided below.

Installing the Templates

When uncompressed, you will have a folder with a number of files and sub-folders:
File/Folder Contents
README-* Detailed installation and usage instructions. Please read all relevant files, noting that the automated installation script does not work for Windows installations
OfficeTemplates Microsoft Office and/or OpenOffice template files
installer LaTeX/LyX files and an installer script for *NIX deployments
Samples If present, contains sample documents

To install the *NIX files, change to the installer directory and execute:


The script can either be run as a regular user or as root. In either case, the installer script will check you have all the necessary pre-requisites before continuing. The differences are:

Command Outcome
./install -u Install as a user. LaTeX files will be installed in your home directory. LyX templates must be installed centrally as root. You will be asked for your rootpassword to complete this task
./install -r Install as root. Installation will fail if you are not the root user. LaTeX and Lyx template files will be installed in central directories

Technical Report Templates

Used to prepare I4TRL Technical Reports

Direct Download

Mercurial Pull

If you have the appropriate account access, execute the following instructions:

hg clone
cd Technical-Reports
hg pull
hg update

You will now be able to run the installer

Presentation Templates

Used to prepare Slide Presentations, either for I4TRL Seminars or external presentations

Direct Download

Mercurial Pull

If you have the appropriate account access, execute the following instructions:

hg clone
cd Presentations
hg pull
hg update

You will now be able to run the installer

Last Updated: Monday 24-Jul-2017 08:22:13 AEST | Maintained by: Jason But ( | Authorised by: Grenville Armitage (