I4T Research Group (I4TRG) Technical Reports: Background & Policies

Editor: Grenville Armitage (2017 - present)

History and content: I4TRG Technical Reports (TRs) have been made available online to cover a range of documentation relating to I4T Research Lab activities, including:

  • short memos,
  • interim experiemental or theoretical results,
  • descriptions of techniques and technologies deployed in our lab,
  • tutorials & manuals on the use of tools developed and/or used by members of I4T Research Lab,
  • non peer-reviewed papers, or
  • longer or supplementary versions of published, peer-reviewed papers

I4TRG TRs are provided in pdf, and utilise a two-column format based on the IEEE conference paper style.

Authorship: I4TRG-affiliated academic staff, research staff (post-docs, R&D engineers, assistants, etc), external collaborators, post-graduate research students, or undergraduate students doing I4T internships may develop and propose new I4T TRs.

Templates: Templates for MS Word and LaTeX are available internally here.

Numbering: TRs are named and numbered according to their publication date. The TR number is YYMMDDX, where the trailing 'X' is a letter used to disambiguate TRs published on the same day.

For example: "I4TRG Technical Report 170301A" is the first TR published on March 1st, 2017. The second TR published that same day would be "I4TRG Technical Report 170301B", and so on.

TRs in pdf form have URLs constructed in the following way:

  • http://i4t.swin.edu.au/reports/I4TRG-TR-YYMMDDX.pdf

Citation: Bibtex data for all TRs (and other I4T publications) can be found at http://i4t.swin.edu.au/pubs/i4t.bib. Bibtex for a specific TR can also be found at:

  • http://i4t.swin.edu.au/reports/I4TRG-TR-YYMMDDX.bib

Review and publication process: There is no formal, independent technical peer-review process.

Members of I4T Research Lab may produce TRs at any time and request the Editor to make their TR available online. The Editor will do a brief check to confirm that the TR's content are credible, professionally presented and on a topic of some relevance to I4T. Failure to spell-check, use proper referencing or follow typical IEEE-style structure are examples of oversights that result in a proposed TR being sent back to the authors for revision. (Using the I4T TR LaTeX template helps greatly with the latter two issues.)

Last Updated: Monday 29-Jan-2018 14:04:55 AEDT | No longer maintained. Pre-2018 was maintained and authorised by Grenville Armitage, garmitage@swin.edu.au